Site Information

Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center

•The Camp Address is:  1267 4-H Camp Road Appomattox, VA 24522

•We advise you to be aware of your speed while driving through Cumberland County, as the speed limit changes pretty drastically. Don’t get a speeding ticket! It sucks! 

•We have access to the fridge in the lake bunk house/bunk house kitchen, but we are not permitted to use the kitchen for any cooking.

•Players can begin arriving at 3pm.

•Feel free to park your cars in the parking lot in front of the dining hall while unloading your things. We just ask that you park considerately and move your vehicle to the other parking lot (near the Pods) before game on. If you arrive later, we understand. Just unload your things and relocate your vehicle as quickly as possible.

•Med sleep is located under the big bunkhouse in the area labeled “Bunk D”. There will be a sign on the door! 

•Check-in starts at 7pm at the Public Works in the Dining Hall. 

•Opening announcements are at 9pm at the Dining Hall. 

•Game on is at 10pm.