Plot Requests

What if you got to add your own stories to what we are running?

Up until two weeks before a game you can submit your own module requests! These are modules that come from your back stories, touch on plot lines that you felt trailed off without enough conclusion, or allow you to express your creative flavor. Have a particular group you want to drive story with, have a part of your back story you want to bring up, want to have certain sorts of interactions with you and your friends? This is how.

In addition to these submissions we will be running a normal plot filled game. We are going to take your plot submissions and match them to the OP Guide for the time you asked.

Depending on how many requests we get, we will grab the module requests that engage and interact with the most players and aim to send it out at the period of time you ask for (that way you know you won't miss it).

This is not a tool to drag out named extras for personal RP, nor is it really designed in such a way where every detail of what you are asking for goes exactly by the script you provide. We are going to mix it, work with you, and change it up so that the module not only matches genre and continuity, but also allows the best potential for plot and story. These are stories for you, so please don't submit requests for other folk without asking (and giving them all the details) first.

Remember: if you want something from your background you will need to have submitted and have had a background approved for it to happen. We can't work off of information that only you know. :)

Please fill out the following information and be informative and succinct. If there are backstories or plots you are referencing to, please give as much specific detail as possible.

We can only run materials from back stories of DR VA players, and, we can only run plots and stories that originated from the Virginia chapter.

Try to put together your story after reading the Dystopia Rising world materials, considering how you would want the story to feel, and consider what people you want involved in this story. The fact of the matter is that for every player who is added to a localized plot, the more details and experiences you have that you can share with one another. If it is a story for one or two people, we can only assign resources and time equal to the number of people involved. If it is for your entire gang, we can really invest in it.

Please complete the form below