Local Mechanics


Plot Mechanics

Are You Alone?
(September through November)

The nights grow longer and darker as the looming threat of the Underkingdom rises. The dark isn't safe anymore for those unfamiliar with moving in it. Who knows what, or who, could be hiding where the light doesn't reach.

Mechanics: At any time after the sun has set a player finds themselves alone and without the ability to see another person that player is considered to be Caught Alone. That player must, at their next convenience, drop out of character and report to Ops. Results for being Caught Alone vary wildly and could be a slight scare or a grievous consequence. Players under the effect of Basic Stealth may move after dark as they wish, but should beware anything that would cause them to become seen.


When an NPC calls “Psionic: Compulsion, All <KEYWORD>, [insert command]”, the affected Target must follow the next single command until the task is completed or nullified (such as being compelled to defend someone who then dies.) The Target must complete the task to the best of their ability. When the Target enters Bleed Out, the effect immediately ends. Compulsion does NOT end in an unconscious state (knock out or psionic unconscious will not break the effect). Characters under the effects of Compulsion remember the actions they take, but are not in control of them. The ability is normally resisted by Mental Endurance, but some effects may prevent this resistance. Further RESEARCH will be needed to be uncovered to understand other ways to prevent or protect against this effect.


There are things that lurk beneath the soil of the earth. An NPC with this skill may call “Burrowing” and spend 5 seconds of Full Engagement RP digging and putting their arms together, pointed out, you may move around and resurface in an area with earth. Only those with the skill Master Awareness can detect the presence of something using this skill BUT you DO NOT know its exact location nor can you follow it. Someone under the effect of Burrow cannot know what kind of creature is above them nor which direction they are facing, they just know something is there. For example, an individual using Burrow comes upon a Strain stomping around. The individual using Burrow doesn’t know that it is a Strain nor can they tell which direction the Strain is facing. So, they cannot maneuver around to someone’s back for the purposes of skills that are indefensible from behind.

  • An NPC or other effect with this Keyword will supersede the Unbreakable Keyword when interacting with items or Zone of Mechanics.

  • A character with this trait is vulnerable to skills, abilities, and items that specifically target the Lightless Mark keyword. This is a condition gained by interacting with a particular series of unique items in the play space.

    An LC/SC with this Keyword does not need to change their roleplay, however they should attempt, if possible, to remain in doors and in darker areas, but this is not mandatory. They will not fear the night as much as they would normally.

    In addition, While under the effects of the Keyword the LC/SC is also Immune to the "Are You Alone?" mechanics.

  • Anything listed with the Unbreakable keyword is immune to uses of the Break skill, as well as any other effects that would break an item or plot specific Zone of Mechanics.

  • Some threats are just built different. When a threat with Resist is hit with a skill call they are resistant to (such as Mangle Limb or Knockout) they may call "Resisted". This means that the target requires multiple uses of that skill for the skill to take effect. The additional uses do NOT have to be from same user. Once they have taken the requisite number of skill calls (as defined by their stat block, the effect takes place.

  • By spending 1 Resolve, user may raise their hand up, palm out, and call "Untouchable". As long as the user keeps their hand raised, they may not be targeted by any skill, melee, ranged, or psionic strike. The only things that bypasses this are Area Of Effect and By My Voice calls. This effect also ends on Bleed Out. The user may not use any skills or attack while this effect is use, all they can do is walk and talk.