Scholarship Tickets

If you have extra funds to spare and would like to help sponsor someone else’s ticket, you can now donate in $5 increments up to $65. This money goes into a pool specifically set aside for covering a maximum casting shift ticket.

If you would like to put your name on the waitlist to receive a scholarship ticket, you can fill out this form:

After filling out the form, you will be put on a waitlist. Scholarship tickets are first come, first serve and are given out in chronological order, ensuring that those who apply will eventually get a scholarship ticket. In order to be eligible for a scholarship ticket, a player must be in good standing (3 months out from a written warning). If you are a guide and receive the scholarship ticket, you will complete your 4 hour guide shift and then come into ops for another 2 hours to compensate for the rest of the casting time.

The cut-off for donations will be the day before pre-reg closes. Donations received after the deadline will be put towards the following month instead.

Recipients can expect to receive an email from us before pre-reg closes. We will contact you by email for the sake of your privacy.

A player can sign up for a scholarship ticket at any time, for any reason. However, players who received a scholarship ticket the previous month will be placed into a secondary waitlist with lower priority. The second waitlist will only be drawn from if the primary list is empty.