Cabin Raid Rules

Dystopia Rising is a 24 hour Larp experience. That means zombies and raiders could attack you at any time…even while you’re sleeping. However, we deeply appreciate the travel time that our players put into visiting our corner of the wastes and want to make sure they’re as well rested as possible for their trips back home. We use a color code system for cabin raids so that people can better choose the kind of experience they have here at Dystopia Rising Virginia.

GREEN: Bunkerhouse - Cabin Raids and Wakeup Mods possible at anytime.

YELLOW: Tallhouse - Cabin Raids and Wakeup Mods possible anytime Friday night-saturday afternoon, but no raids Saturday evening so you can sleep soundly through the second night.

RED: [MedSleep] - Located at the bottom of the Tallhouse. No raids or mods here whatsoever.

RED: Lakeside Cabin - No Raids here whatsoever. We will have a designated decompression space here to quietly unwind, so feel free to stop by this space any time during game when you need quiet.

We also have a designated decompression space and an OOG Hangout space. If you are feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated, or just need a quiet moment to yourself, feel free to visit the Lakeside Cabin at any time. There will be no raids at this location so you can relax and decompress as needed. Find yourself wanting to have OOC discussions with friends you haven't seen in a while? We get it! But we also want to keep game areas in play strictly IC talk, so in these moments, feel free to head to Cabin #10, conveniently located near the main building (aka Junction House), to talk OOC. (This is not a designated "quiet" space, just ensure that other players who are currently IC aren't able to overhear!)

Other cabins:

Cabin #2- Morgue

Cabin #7 - Helscape Mine

Cabin #10 - OOG Hangout Space

Cabin #14 - Granary

Cabin #15 - Water Treatment Plant