Local Financial Institutions

Department M-12 is a collection of agents, investigators, and scientists dedicated to the pursuit of truth. Their mission is twofold: the first and most common view of M-12 is that of private investigators; the second is that of uncovering and unmasking hidden truths about the wasteland and eliminating any thing that the wider wastes aren’t ready for. Department M-12 adheres only to a single “law”: a jury of your peers. Since there is no central authority that all settlements respect, M-12 instead publicly announces the results of their investigation to whatever town they are operating in; effectively letting the townsfolk decide the punishment.

They dress in slick suits and carry badges to denote their presence and generally try to present themselves as problem solvers and assets for the right price. And for those who wish to dive into true mystery, one can join their ranks if they prove they have a keen mind and inquisitive prowess.

Department M-12

HOVLaneville predates Eden, though before it's fall they were just a Rally Point for Diesel Jocks heading west and north out of The Ol Domain. Now the imposing walls of the settlement protect the western reaches of the Quarantine Zone from outsiders of the region.

 Headed, currently, by Jill and Seabass of the Pro-Shop Family, HOVLaneville supplies builders and engineers for all projects; large and small. Their Builders Guild and Militia provide support to Jericho Junction upon request, as their day to day tasks put them in charge of operating the rail lines, maintaining Jericho's overland trade routes and performing route clearance.

If you need them, they'll come. The Pro-Shop family is ready to help!

“Hard Work and Community achieves Success. Help us repair this region, together.“


Bankers, investors, and entrepreneurs. All of these things fall under the ruthless umbrella of New Paradise Savings and Loan. Dressed as sharp as their business sense, the group commonly referred to as New Paradise has shown themselves to be an invaluable asset to the locals of Jericho Junction. The local Brand Manager, Myster Aey, and his employees can get what you need, when you need it, and without questions. They are coldly professional and have shown no sympathies toward those they work with; business is business. Though the town knows not to trust well dressed people in the wasteland, they have come to accept that it’s better to deal with the devil you know than the one you don’t.

New Paradise, they invest in you so you can invest in your future.

New Paradise Savings and Loans

The Second Division was created from Fallows after the fall of Eden along with various soldier types and trainees by Colonel Ezra Samson. His vision along with two vehicles led to organizing a unit, scrounging equipment and setting up a Table of Organization.  Like several organizations, they hope to restore a New Paradise and have many  stories and myths of Old Eden.  Along with HOVLaneville and others, they helped build the Southern portion of the Containment wall.  They form the Outer Guard to the South, manning towers against various threats, although their recent casualties have been high.

Colonel Ezra Samson visits from time to time in tan camouflage fatigues with a pistol along with troops.  At this time, there is no Minister General in Jericho Junction and Samson is focused on fighting the various opponents they face.

“New Paradise will rise and we are here to make sure of that. Join the Fallows Second Division in that mission.“

Second Division

The society of merit is a group of archeologists whom work to bring good to the world as well as discover forgotten relics and defeat evil. They were formed when a group found a book called Girl Scout Handbook, which detailed doing good and exploring the world. They have built up a relatively large society across the wastes but the local chapter is most likely around 40-50 people. Their demeanors change depending on the person but generally tend to be cheerful and wanting to be helpful. They will often talk about the badges they’ve earned and the stories of how they earned it. The characters that go out should think of jones stories when interacting.

Society of Merit