Local Lineage Advantages

Characters who are based out of Dystopia Rising: Virginia have access to the follow mechanics, based on their lineage.

  • There was a saying in the Old World; “You can solve any problem if you just throw enough money at it.” The Elitariats of the Deadfall Line cleave to this saying like gospel, preferring to approach every conflict or issue with a wad of Almighty. Incoming horde of zed? Throw a few bills at the locals and watch them dive over themselves to protect you. Mugger in the back alleys of Rich Man’s Land? Just hand them your wallet, you have more at home anyways. The Elitariats on the Line have family fortunes and industrial capital to spare in droves and they will always pay to win.

    Mechanics: Once per event an Elitariat with this trait may spend local currency to reduce the amount of damage suffered from a single source by one (1) per currency used to a minimum of 0 damage.

  • Between the labyrinthian tunnel systems of Lascarian clans built out over generations, countless cemeteries within the pre-Fall cities of the region, and underground cryo-facilities that house soon-to-be Semper Morts, the Deadfall Line has a land of its own beneath the ground itself. Because of this, the Gorgers born to this region have learned to move quickly and silently through the dark and enclosed spaces of their homes.

    Mechanics: Gorgers with this trait reduce the costs of Basic Stealth and Basic Enhanced Movement by 1 Mind when used after the sun has set or in any subterranean environment. This ability does not stack with any other effect.

  • Things live in the hills of the Deadfall Line that would make even the most cynical Graverobber shiver. Things older than bones and hungry for things that cannot be spoken. The Hill Folk of the Deadfall Line, an interconnected community of Landsmen who can trace their lines back to before The Fall, have lived with this knowledge for generations. Some call them superstitious, but they know the truth and that truth is that superstition keeps them alive. By putting their trust in the stories their ancestors passed down to them they can keep their hearts, and minds, free from the influences of the things that lurk in the dark.

    Mechanics: As long as a Landsman with this trait is holding a family trinket, talisman, or hat over their heart they may reduce the cost of Basic Mental Endurance by 1. This ability does not stack with any other effect.